In case of an EMERGENCY call 911.
If this is a mental health crisis, call the Mobile Crisis Unit at 204-940-1781 or go directly to the Crisis Response Centre, 817 Bannatyne Ave: open 24/7.
You can also access support by calling the Klinic 24 Hour Crisis Line: 204-786-8686 or 1-888-322-3019.
Other key lines are:
Free (24/7) support: Text HOME to 686868 to chat with a crisis responder
Free (24/7) voice support nationwide: 1-833-456-4566 or text HELLO to 45645 between 4:00PM and 12:00AM EST.
Manitoba Suicide Line (24 Hours): 1-877-435-7170
Survivor Hopes Crisis Centre Inc. 204-753-5353
Crisis Stabilization Unit, 755 Portage Avenue: 204-940-3633
Yes. We offer in-person and remote sessions. Please speak with your assigned therapist to find a method and a time that works for you.
Our sliding scale program is based on an applicant’s total gross household income annually. Proof of household income will need to be provided.
We do not offer a reduced rate for insurance claims. Insurance rates are automatically set at $120.00 per session.
You can sign up online at or ask for a registration form at our Hamel office.
If you are a client involved with Child and Family Services (CFS) and CFS is requesting therapy, a contract will be created between Aulneau Renewal Centre and CFS. You will not need to make any payment as the CFS agency will be invoiced.
If you have insurance, you will need to know which professional designations your insurance company will cover. If Aulneau can meet the requirements of your insurance company, your appointments will be booked with the appropriate service provider. For example, some insurance companies only allow for billing for a Social Worker.
If you wish to obtain therapy services under our Sliding Scale program, payment will be based on your Notice of Assessment or any other financial information and the number of members in your household. This will be calculated once you complete the intake form. Our rates per session range from $15.00 – $120.00 per visit.
For group sessions, the rates will vary depending on the length of the session, activities and focus.
Payment is accepted at the beginning of each session via cash, e-transfer, debit, MasterCard or Visa.
There is a $25.00 administrative fee for NSF (not sufficient funds) cheques.
You are welcome to do either. If you would like to email reception at, and inform us of the week which you are looking for an appointment, the time frame and the therapists name, we are able to book through email. If you would like to call (204) 987-7090, your appointment can be made over the phone as well.
However, it is in your best interest that you make an appointment at your last appointment with your therapist. They carry a large case load and their appointment times are booked well in advance.
On Monday through Thursday the office is open 8 am- 9 pm; Fridays the office is open from 8 am – 4pm; Saturdays the office is open from 9 am- 4 pm. Our last therapy session is 1 hour before the time we close. If you are interested in an evening slot, please ensure you book your appointments in advance as these slots tend to book up quickly.
Each insurance plan is different. You will need to check your insurance plan with your employer or the insurance company itself. This information is included where all your health benefits are listed.
Please don’t assume that services are covered as they may not be.
We do not offer a reduced rate for insurance claims.
Our therapy appointments are 50 minutes in duration with 10 minutes of non direct administrative client time.
Intake appointments may take longer as these appointments are an opportunity for us to gather information about your journey that can help the therapists as they plan for your sessions.
Please come to your appointment 10 minutes in advance. There are some additional forms that need to be completed before you see your therapist.
For children, we ask that you send them with a blanket or a stuffed toy that would help them be comfortable.
We do not have childcare available or a separate area where children can play and be supervised.
When family therapy is involved, the therapist will ask you to bring the children.
When the focus is on individuals or couple therapy, we ask that you not bring your children. Please make child care arrangements so that you are able to focus on the important issues and are in a position to engage in therapy.
Currently our wait list for Winnipeg and Steinbach is 4-6 months. However, if there is a certain skill set needed for your therapy or a specific therapist that would be best meet your needs, this wait time can be longer.
We know that when people reach out for therapy, they are seeking help for something they are concerned about. We try our very best to get you into an appointment as soon as possible.
Your therapist has set the appointment time for you. That appointment time is not available for any other client or purpose. We ask that you attend appointments as scheduled.
There are times when illness occurs or an urgent matter arises. In those cases, we ask that you cancel with 24 hours notice.
If you do not provide the minimum of 24 hours notice, you will be charged a fee of $25/hr for the missed session.
A healthy attachment between an infant and loving parents or caregivers creates a lasting sense of security and safety for the child. This allows for optimal growth, development, relationships and ultimately learning. Numerous studies show that attachment profoundly influences every aspect of human development.
When the attachment relationship is disrupted or fails to develop, children feel insecure, unsafe and anxious. Many difficulties experienced by individuals can be traced back to growing up not feeling safe. Cultural, social and economic environments, family strengths, historic experiences and intergenerational learning are all factors that have an influence on how people of all ages act in their daily relationships. All of these factors affect lifelong learning. Not only does a person’s behaviour develop under the influence of attachment but brain development is affected by early attachment interactions.
Attachment informed practice uses this lens as part of its therapeutic approach.
Aulneau Renewal Centre offers counselling services remotely. Sessions can be conducted either online or via telephone.
In addition, as part of our family therapy, we offer Modified Interaction Guidance (MIG) which involves videotaping. Your consent will be obtained before engaging in this process. It will also be explained to you and only offered if the therapist feels it may be meaningful for your family.
Modified Interaction Guidance is a strengths based Attachment Intervention that focuses on improving the relationship between caregiver and child.
MIG involves 8 to 10 sessions where parents observe themselves interacting with their child on video, and with the support and guidance of the therapist, highlight points where the interactions are positive and ‘working’ and discuss some of the interactions where the parent missed cues or was unable to calm and comfort the child. We have found this intervention to be very effective with all of our client groups, including those that have limited capacity for insight or have cognitive disabilities, including parents diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, etc.
Aulneau Renewal Centre employs Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, Psychotherapists, and a Drama and Music Therapist.
Additionally, at Aulneau, we support students who are looking to pursue higher education. Aulneau often has student clinicians available who offer counselling services as part of their Master’s practicum requirement. Our student clinicians are skilled, dedicated, and committed to supporting all individuals on their counselling journey.
Therapy is done in innovative ways. Music, art, and play is incorporated into counselling sessions. We also offer cooking and garden therapy. Let’s just say we make sure our children are having fun as we do some therapy work with them.